Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) (formerly known as "The Open University of Hong Kong), Saint Francis University (SFU) (formerly known as Caritas Institute of Higher Education), Hong Kong Chu Hai College (HKCHC) (formerly known as "Chu Hai College of Higher Education"), Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) and Tung Wah College (TWC) collaboratively developed an online collection-sharing and information discovery system to enable faculty members and students to easily find and access library and e-book collections among the five libraries through a one-stop search interface. HKMU took up the responsibility of developing the new systems and platforms and coordinated the purchase of e-books according to the needs of the individual participating libraries. This allows each of these libraries to promote reading while enriching their digital contents. It was expected that more than 20,000 e-books would be acquired through the Project.
The Project started in January 2014 and was completed in December 2016. After the completion of the Project, a Steering Committee was formed to maintain the collection-sharing and information discovery system and collaborate e-books purchase. In 2022, the five institution libraries worked together again to upgrade the system to a new cloud-based library management system and discovery platform, namely the Alma and Primo VE. After detailed evaluation and thorough system testing, the Alma and Primo VE systems were successfully launched in July 2023.
The consortium of the institutions was named "Collaborative Scheme on Information and Discovery Services in Hong Kong Higher Education Libraries" (CSIDS) in September 2024.