The Project Member Institutions Project Documents E-Book Requirements Enhancement of the CSIDS

Date Source Headline
1 November 2017 Sing Tao Daily 星島日報 五自資校共享館藏 電子書借閱率增三倍
30 October 2013 Wen Wei Po 文匯報 獲半億資助5院校建「虛擬書館」
30 October 2013 Ta Kung Pao 大公報 公大四專院共享電子圖書
30 October 2013 Apple Daily 蘋果日報 五大專研圖書館共享系統
29 October 2013 ATV 亞洲電視 五自資專上院校合作研發電子圖書館共享平台
17 October 2013 HKSAR Government Eleven projects approved under Quality Enhancement Support
Scheme of Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund
* 「公大」全名「香港公開大學」並於2021年9月重新命名為「香港都會大學」(Effective from 1 September 2021, the OUHK has been renamed as Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU).

* 明愛專上學院己於2024年升格為聖方濟各大學(Caritas Institute of Higher Education was promoted to Saint Francis University in 2024).

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